Sunday, April 12, 2020

The idiots went to Koppernäs.

We went camping to a gorgeous spot by the sea in Koppernäs. The wind from the sea was freezing, the sun was playing hide-and-seek with the clouds while dispensing a colorful light and sometimes a short snowfall was adding to the wonder of the moment. The migratory seabirds had only one thought in mind: find a partner and little piece of rock for the spring, which made an entertaining show.

These seabirds, they have quite outdated mating protocol I would say. Eight Eider dudes were harassing a single Eider girl, chasing her, jumping on her, fighting between each other and shouting at her while making the chest large. Very inappropriate indeed. The swans didn't behave better, always aggressive, flying into each other, fighting incessantly for a miserable piece of shore. So uneducated.

The way there was uneventful, a peaceful ride through a king bridge, huge fields and smaller roads. We could see rain falling further, but our route didn't cross one of these rain clouds. Lucky us. The most notable incident was the inexplicable loss of the fishing lure of one of our riders.

We had a lazy morning, some fishing, some hiking by the shore and exploring the beautiful nature of the peninsula. We got some notable example of Finnish sisu with the little tree below that grows straight from a tiny hole in the rock, serving a life sentence of exposure to wind and frost, unable to growth from the lack of space for the roots. There might be some sort of fulfillment to endure decades of hardship  without giving up, a sort of full acceptance of one's destiny. However, there might be more enviable fate to live and I recommend all of us to take good care of our karma to avoid rebirth as a pine growing in such conditions. You can avoid that by refraining from insulting strangers in the street.

Why the idiots you may ask? A lady full of self-importance came up with the idea when she said that straight to my face while we were riding three of us in Espoo. I am not sure exactly why, since we were only three of us and it is challenging to go closer than the safety distance while riding a bicycle. The current situation gives to some people the feeling they can insult openly other people if they have slight difference in interpretation of the strictness of the public health recommendations. I think we will need more than just keeping safe distance to survive this pandemic, also support, understanding and a sense of human dignity, which certainly does not allow us to insult people in the street. So let's have a good look at this tree, think of our karma and behave like educated people.  

Folks, take good care! Ride bicycles, it strengthens lungs and helps to manage the worst flu and other viruses.

What is this?

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